Revenues and Expenditures

There are many ways to slice and dice revenues and expenditures, and what is most useful depends on the question. In this part of the website we will gather notes on individual revenue sources and uses. For specifics:



Here is a work-in-progress to understand the 2023 budget (a Sankey diagram). It is incomplete and doesn't yet tell a complete story, so don't get worked-up about things that seem wrong or misguided. It is likely my incomplete understanding at fault. Revenues are on the right. You can see how the property tax is partitioned among the Capital Improvement Fund, General Government, and Debt Service. It is also seems that Public Safety dominates our expenses.

Another way that revenues and expenditures are broken-out in the official annual budget summary and the annual audit  are the categories specified by Wisconsin Statute § 65.90(3)(b) as below:

